
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The simplicity of a Walk.

The many benefits of walking are widely discussed. What I will attempt is to describe a simple correction in how you walk. The lengthy needs of detailing proper gait is more than I care to address for this post, maybe I'll tackle that another time. For this post I would like to introduce a change that is so simple and effective in it's proposed value, we would be silly not to incorporate it.

All you need to do is point your thumbs forward! That's it! A common mistake when walking is to walk with our heads down and our shoulders rounded forward. This has the effect of limiting oxygen flow to our brain and biasing lower brain functions over higher more cerebral functions. It also interrupts the kinetic chain of events integral for proper spinal support and efficient gait control. By not allowing the backs of our hands to face forward and instead consciously turning our thumbs forward, it will naturally rotate our humerous, pull our shoulders back, raise our head to level and in large measure correct the negatives just spoken of. How simple is that? Is it the answer to all your problems? No. But it is a simple measure of the right stuff to contribute to your overall approach to health and happiness.

Go ahead, give it try! I dare you.

1 comment:

  1. Your dare is accepted. :) I'll try to remember to let you know how it goes!



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